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Three girls celebrating - Recovered and Restored Eating Disorder Therapy Center

your life to the fullest

Recovery from an eating disorder is possible

and you don't have to do it alone

Virtual Eating Disorder Therapy Services in
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Florida, Connecticut, and South Carolina

The journey to eating disorder recovery can feel scary,
but healing is possible.

If you're tired of feeling like your ED controls your life, stealing your energy, focus, and attention from every area of life, then you're in the right place!

Even considering getting help is a huge step! So, let me tell you, "Girl, you're brave!"


At Recovered & Restored, treating eating disorders is our passion. That’s why it’s the only thing we do!


For teen girls and women struggling with an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, or orthorexia, thinking about recovery and reclaiming their life feels overwhelming and scary. But it is possible! 


We are a team led by recovered individuals that will come ready each week to help you fight back against your disorder and restore your life to its fullest!


We offer eating disorder therapy to all residents of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, and Connecticut.

Gabby Morreale Headshot, owner of Recovered and Restored Eating Disorder Therapy Center

“No matter where you are on your journey, YOU

are stronger than your eating disorder!"

Gabby Morreale M.A. LPC.

Why Did I Start Recovered & Restored?

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