Access our FREE course on
Helping Kids & Teens Develop Healthy Body Image
We know that being a parent is the hardest job on the planet! This course was created as a resource to help you with a very tender and sensitive topic.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of body image, learn about the influences of body image, develop language for discussing body image, develop tools for modeling body image and healthy body image, and get tips for building self-esteem, as well as resources and support.
This course is ideal for parents with children of the young elementary school age all the way up to young adults.
Course Outline
What is Body Image​
What is Self Esteem
What Influences Body Image?
What Does it Mean to Have a Healthy Body Image?
Statistics on Body Image
What Can Parents/Caregivers Do?
Body Neutrality and HAES
How to Spot Body Image Challenges in Your Child
Impacts of Social Media on Body Image and Self Esteem
Tips for Navigating Social Media to Improve Body Image
Developing Language for Healthy Body Image
Personal Reflection Activity
Parent's Course on Body Image
0$Help your kids and teens develop healthy body imageValid for 12 months
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